Remote (Email) Tuning with HP Tuners FAQ

How does remote (email) tuning work?

We offer remote tuning with HP Tuners. All files/datalogs are submitted via email, and uploaded/recorded by the end user. This is basically mail order tuning except you have the ability to send us datalogs so that we can fine tune your set up. This is an excellent route for someone who wants to take a ‘hands on’ approach to tuning, without having to fully understand the technical aspect of it. It is also helpful for modified set ups, or for those who will continue to modify the car in the future (since reflashes are easier).

How do I order?

Visit the appropriate email tuning product link for your vehicle, and checkout online. Then fill out our order sheet here – link. When finished, email your STOCK HP Tuners .hpt file to If you do not have your stock file, please send us your current file and a stock file (with same operating system) that you have downloaded from the HP Tuners Tune Repository (link). If you cannot find one, please let us know and we can help.

What does the cost include?

The email tuning cost includes a base tune from us, and three datalog reviews. After three datalogs have been reviewed, subsequent reviews are $10/each.

How fast/often is file turnaround?

We typically process email tuning once a day, in the morning. Normal turnaround time to create a tune or review a datalog is 1-2 days. Due to our busy in-house schedule, we do not offer live remote tuning, or help via team viewer. We are unable to teach you how to use HP Tuners itself – although HP tuners has a great Help section, and also a forum that covers just about everything on using it.

How many files will it take to finish my car?

This depends on many factors; how complicated the build is, how well the parts package goes together, whether or not there are any mechanical issues, etc. In person, we typically have anywhere from 5-20 files in any vehicle from start to finish. Cammed and forced induction cars require wideband feedback for proper tuning.

What modules do I need to read out?

Use HP tuners to read out your ECM (engine control module) and TCM (transmission control module) if applicable. Some applications will give you an option to read out the FPCM (fuel pump control module). Do not read this out unless we request it.

What do HPT Licenses cover?

Once your file is licensed through HP Tuners, you can read/write/datalog as much as you want. The only time you would need to purchase new licensing would be if you replace a control module (licensing is based on the serial number of the unit).

How do I datalog?

Check out our datalogging information – HERE. Datalogs must be 15-20 minutes long, and encompass all states (cold start up, part throttle, WOT if safe). Note: We do not accept wideband feedback through external ports/PIDS (i.e. 5v AC). You must either a) datalog your wideband through a Pro cable, or b) use a CAN style wideband (05+ CAN only, link). No exceptions. If you have a cammed or forced induction set up we will request wideband feedback. You can upgrade to a pro version by visiting HP Tuners – link.

I just got my file and my car doesn’t run correctly. What should I do?

The best thing you can do is to create a datalog and email it to us, along with a list of your concerns.  If the car doesn’t drive, try to keep your foot on the gas to keep it running for as long as possible on the datalog. The more data we have to go off of, the better changes we can make for your next file. 

I have a MAF code on a cammed/forced induction car after your tune.

If you get a MAF code right off the bat, we most likely have set your car up for a speed density tune. You can verify this by opening our tune and going to Engine Diag -> Airflow. If there is a 0 or a 1 under Mass Air Flow Sensor Frequency Fail High, then this means it is a speed density tune. The code will not cause the CEL to come on, or have any adverse effects. It just tells the vehicle to run off of the VE/VVE tables instead of the MAF.

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